Friday, 22 October 2010

Friday WOD 221010

A) CFWU 2 rounds

B) SMC 2 rounds

C) 10 Handstand Push Ups (HSPU) assisted

D) 40-30-20
Wall Balls
Double unders


  1. Could probably have named this workout "John Cougar" because it Hurts So Good. Sorry about that, my Dad joke for the day.

    Cheryl: 8:46
    Fleur: 12:09
    James: 8:05

  2. Welcome back to Cross fit FLEURTY!

    You know those old analogies about jumping in feet first and getting dropped in the deep end, well today was one of those times except it was head first into the shallow end, of the cross fit pool! Lo and behold up I stumbled at the end - SURVIVOR thanks to the team and the time! "Must -finish"...over and over in my head.
    And as I type, my fingers heavy on the keyboard and my beetrot face only just settled down I think to the future and ask one simple question...
    what are we doing tomorrow?
    Lovin' being back in the Cross Fit pool Coach!
