Thursday, 7 October 2010

Thursday WOD 071010

You thought ring dips were tough, tomorrow we do 'L-sit Iron Cross' for time.

A) CFWU 2 rounds

B) SMC 2 rounds

C) KB Push Press
5-5-5 (5R-5L)

D) 21-15-9
Double Unders
Ring Dips
Push Ups

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about the stopwatch slip up :(
    We can do the same workout tomorrow if you want. I would vote no thanks, that was brutal going from dips to push ups.

    David: 8-16-20/16:30
    Mark: 16-16-16
    KP: 8-8-8/ 16:00 front support
    Shaun: ?/ 15-9-5
    Pete:8-16-16/ 20:00 front support
    Nigel: 8-8-8/ 16:10 front support
    James: 20-24-24/ 19:00 front support from rd of 15
