Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Tuesday WOD 051010

The morning crew blasting out the pull ups.

A) 2 rounds 30 seconds each
plyo twists
star jumps
roll & reach

B) SMC 3 rounds

C) max. sit ups in 2 minutes

D) 25-20-15-10-5
Double unders
Pull Ups

1 comment:

  1. David: 40/12:13 (3+3 band, 15-10-5)
    Mark: DNC/16:21 (3+1 band,20-15-10-5)
    Sam: 45/15:08 (3+3 band. 25-15-10-5)
    KP: 47/20:44 (3+3)
    Cheryl: 58/13:31 (3+2)
