Thursday, 30 September 2010

Thursday WOD 300910

A) CFWU 2 rounds

B) SMC 3 rounds

C) Max. Double unders in 3 minutes

D) Run 400m
Ring Push Ups
Toes 2 Bar
Run 400m

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Tuesday WOD 280910

For those of you old enough to remember, the lovely Cindy Brady.

A) 60 seconds each of the following exercises
plyometric twists
star jumps
roll & reach

B) SMC 2 rounds

C) 'Cindy'
AMRAP in 20 minutes of
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats

D) 100 seated twists

Monday, 27 September 2010

Monday WOD 270910

A) CFWU 2 rounds
B) SMC 2 rounds
C) Death by Pull Ups
Complete 1 pull up in the first minute, 2 in the 2nd minute etc. Continue until you cannot finish the required pull ups in the minute.
D) Tabata Squats
20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest (x8)
Score is lowest number of squats in any of the 8 rounds

Saturday WOD 250910


Run a half lap of the compound (actually 330m) every 2 minutes x 10.
Rest for the remainder of the 2nd minute.

Friday, 24 September 2010

Friday WOD 240910

Pavel Tatsouline, kettlebell king, does a front squat into a push press.

A) CFWU 2 rounds
B) SMC 2 rounds
C) KB Push Press
D) 21-15-9
Push ups
Sit ups
Double Unders
*thanks Jeremy at CF Gold Coast

Thursday, 23 September 2010

Thursday WOD 230910

Today was our first 'Chipper' workout.
Apparently so named because you start at the beginning, push through it and end up in bits at the end.
Another explanation for the name is that you just chip away at the reps, get it done bit by bit.

For time:
25 Walking lunge steps
20 Pull-ups
50 Box jumps, 20 inch box
20 Double-unders
25 Ring dips
20 Knees to elbows
30 Kettlebell swings
30 Sit-ups
50 Squats
30 Supermans

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Tuesday WOD 210910

How to do Double unders

A) CFWU 2 rounds
B) SMC 2 rounds
C) 50 Double Unders
Tyre burpees

Monday, 20 September 2010

Monday WOD 200910

'Hero' workouts are performed to honour CrossFitters that have been killed in active duty in the Armed Forces.
Today we performed our first hero workout 'Michael'.

A) Greg A warm up.
B) Kipping practice
C) 1 minute max. pull ups
D) 'Michael'
3 rounds for time
800m run
50 sit ups
50 back extensions (Supermans)

Saturday, 18 September 2010

Saturday WOD 180910

Four rounds for time of:
Row 500 meters
Rest 3 minutes

Friday WOD 170910

A) CFWU 2 rounds
B) SMC 3 rounds
C) max air squats in 3 min
D) 600m run
Ring dips

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Thursday WOD 160910

Tyre jump courtesy

A) CFWU 2 rounds
B) SMC 3 rounds
C) Toes 2 Bar max in 2 minutes
D) 30-20-10
Ring push ups
tyre jumps
* 50m walking lunges at end of each round

Monday, 13 September 2010

Tuesday WOD 140910

A) CFWU 3 rounds
B) Active warm up
C) KB skills
D) Helen
21x1&1/2 pood KB swings
E) DU’s in 2 mins


No, not the act of being a retard, it's another word for lateness!

We Have been pretty good with being on time for the past couple of weeks but today was not so good. So, in comes the new rule. Each minute of lateness equals 5 burpees. i.e 10 minutes late 50 burpees you owe. They suck but so does being late. You must complete all burpees as a 'buy in' before you start the rest of the workout.

Today's workout was Friday's. All results there.

See you tomorrow - on time.

Friday, 10 September 2010

Friday WOD 100910

A)CFWU 2 rounds
B)SMC 2 rounds
C)C2B pull ups, Max in 2 min.
D)4 rounds for time
400m run
50 squats
E)100 twists

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Thursday WOD 090910

A) CFWU 2 rounds
B) Active Stretching Routine
C) 3 minutes of handstands for time.
D) 21-15-9
Toes 2 Bar
Box Jumps
400m run after each round
E) Kipping pull-up practice

Tuesday WOD 070910

Welcome Mark

A) CFWU 2 rounds
B) Max box Jumps 3 minutes
C) SMC 3 rounds
D) Bamboo 'Fran'
Pull Ups
E) 50 sit ups

Monday, 6 September 2010

Monday WOD 060910

A) CFWU 2 rounds Pull, push, squat, sit, s'man, DU's
B) PP/Thruster Skill session
C) Max 3 min. bamboo thrusters
D) SMC 2 rounds
E) Half 'Cindy'
AMRAP in 10 minutes
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats
F) 30 Hollow Rocks

Friday WOD 030910

400m walking lunges

Thursday WOD 020910

A) CFWU 1 round
B) SMC 3 rounds
C) Max. in 3 min. Kipping Pull ups
D) 20-10-5
Double Unders
*400m after each round
E) 100 twists