Monday, 20 September 2010

Monday WOD 200910

'Hero' workouts are performed to honour CrossFitters that have been killed in active duty in the Armed Forces.
Today we performed our first hero workout 'Michael'.

A) Greg A warm up.
B) Kipping practice
C) 1 minute max. pull ups
D) 'Michael'
3 rounds for time
800m run
50 sit ups
50 back extensions (Supermans)

1 comment:

  1. Keira: 10 (3+3)/27:08
    Trent: 6/26:07
    James: 24/23:25

    Might have to check the distance of the 400m turn around with the trundle wheel. I think you guys had me in the run.

    Great effort for the 1st hero workout. Trent got kipping pull ups at first attempt and banged out 6. Big first day.

    Another good session tomorrow.

    I would normally post results earlier in the day but I'm having internet issues during the day.
