Saturday, 18 September 2010

Friday WOD 170910

A) CFWU 2 rounds
B) SMC 3 rounds
C) max air squats in 3 min
D) 600m run
Ring dips

1 comment:

  1. Ok, just to set the record straight. Cheryl and Shaun owe me burpees!

    A bit of a false start and some tardiness meant we had to time cap the main WOD at 15 mins.

    Great job by everyone. No results on the board (help me here people) but I believe Cheryl finished her scaled version with front supports on the dips and Sam got to the final run with his scale. Keira chipped away solidly and I'm not sure how far she got through, maybe last round of 9?
    Shaun looked appropriately beaten up on his first workout with us, well done.

    The squats, from memory
    James: 103
    Cheryl: ?
    Sam: 73
    Keira: 58
    Shaun: DNC
