Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Thursday WOD 090910

A) CFWU 2 rounds
B) Active Stretching Routine
C) 3 minutes of handstands for time.
D) 21-15-9
Toes 2 Bar
Box Jumps
400m run after each round
E) Kipping pull-up practice

1 comment:

  1. Cheryl: 3:42/7:44 Knees to chest
    James: 3:33/12:12 as Rx'd
    Mark: 3:15/10:08 K2chest
    Fleur: 2:00(tyre)/10:12 K2chest
    Derrin: 3:10(tyre)/10:40 K2chest
    Nigel: 2:54/10:10 k2e?
